3.0 Methodology and Methods of Analysis
Before discussing the details of the data collected for this study, it is important to outline for readers how the data was collected and analyzed so that it becomes clear how the claims of impact have been realized. This section of the report describes this process and the framework used.
As was discussed in the in the introduction to this study, this report summarizes what we are describing as the impacts of the AESN . As a result, the design of our study sought to gather how selected participants in the Network describe and illustrate the nature of this impact by sharing their experiences and stories. It is a qualitative approach; that is to say, the methods used have focused on the lived experiences of members of the Network. A focus on the lived experiences draws upon a constructivist, interpretive paradigm (Denzin & Lincoln, 1994) and creates stories or cases that use thick, deep and rich description as its primary tools of verification. In other words, trustworthiness is created through efforts to paint a complete and detailed description of events, approaches and experiences. In particular, this report uses case studies as its primary means of capturing the operation of the Network and its impacts.